How To Fish Out In The Deep Sea: The Basics?


snapper charters port phillip bay

Deep sea fishing is defined as fishing in waters that are at least 30 meters (or 100 feet) deep. It is the only way to catch some big fish varieties, like tuna, shark, swordfish, marlin and some types of invertebrates like squid. Unlike fishing in shallow waters, going out there in the deep sea requires a considerable amount of preparation, even in you are doing it as a recreational activity. Following are some tips and guidelines to make sure that you best enjoy your fishing experience:

  • Book a Charter – First-timers must ensure that they find get in contact with reputed port fishing charters before heading out. Hiring a charter will ensure that you have a good boat, equipment, a crew and a captain to assist you during the entire fishing experience. Try to book a charter with a few friends if possible: otherwise, the captain may also suggest you going for a charter along with a few strangers. It can be fun to get to know a few more people interested in your hobby.
  • Plan the Trip Accordingly – Deep sea fishing isn’t just about booking some tuna charters on the go and heading out there to find a multitude of tuna fish waiting for you to catch them. You need some careful planning and preparation beforehand. First of all, try to ask your charter for all details, including whether they provide the necessary equipment for fishing, whether there is food and other facilities (like air conditioned rooms) available while going out in the sea and whether it is possible to bring guests like your children.
  • Always Listen to the Captain – Once you are out there in the sea, remember that you are not quite the boss you may think you are just because you paid for the trip. In fact, it is a much better idea to follow whatever guidelines your captain instructs you to do: it will ensure your safety and increase your chances when it comes to finding some fish and landing a catch or two. Remember that you can always ask any member of the crew for help regarding what type of bait to use, how to use your equipment and what type of fish you want to aim for.
  • Be Patient – Any kind of fishing experience requires a lot of patience, and deep sea fishing isn’t any different in this regard. There are times when you won’t get any good catches (or even find something to catch for that matter), but remember to not give up so soon and persevere until you run of time. Who knows when you will land a big marlin or blue fin tuna?